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Racism Variation and Race

High levels of radiation is one way that can negatively impact humans and add environmental stresses to their survival. Humans who are exposed to these levels of solar radiation may experience damage including sunburn, photo aging, or even skin cancer. This can interrupt the processes of homeostasis because it can actually break down certain cells too quickly and damage healthy tissue if proper protection like sunscreen is not being used while being exposed to high levels of solar radiation. While some UV's are actually healthy for the skin, others can be extremely harmful. A short term cause for high exposure to high solar radiation may include sunburn. While this may seem temporary, it actually causes the skin to turn red and eventually thicken and dry out which then creates a thickening of the skin. As for facultative stresses, different pigmentation in the skin may occur dependent on the genes or stress. Pigmentation may darken through moving from a population with low exposu
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Language Blog

     This assignment was extremely interesting because I have never taken into consideration how we as humans communicate on an every day basis. The first part of the assignment, where I could only communicate with gestures was difficult for both my partner and I. We were trying to discuss how to set the table for thanksgiving dinner, yet I could only point to the different table clothes and knives that we had. My partner had to use different tones to ask different questions. We also had to use direct eye contact for every question which almost gave a more human like connection.      My partner was in control of hr entire conversation. My partner initiated and controlled every conversation and question. I answered every question with mainly head nods or pointing. My partner had mere control of the entire conversation. There was no way for me too communicate because I could only use gestures which indicate yes or no answers or pointing to different objects.      The culture that uses

Piltdown Hoax

In 1912, archaeologist Charles Darwin found a  human- like skull in Piltdown village in Sussex England. This is where he claimed to have found a connection between the human skull and an ape skull. This is because the skull had similar teeth to humans, and a jaw-lie structure similar to apes. The scientific significance would tell us that humans and apes have a connection and possibly derived from the same ancestor. This left many effects on the scientific community. For the most part, the scientific world accepted Scientist Smith Woodward and Charles Darwin began finding more bones and tools in the same area and they claimed that these all belonged to the same animal; however, as scientists began searching for more bones in areas like Asia and Africa in the 1920's and their findings did not match up with Darwin and Woodward's claims. These skulls revealed that the Piltdown Man was actually a piltdown hoax. Skulls that should have derived long after the Piltdown man actually sh

Analogy & Homology

1) a. Two different species that possess a homologous trait are a bat and a horse because they have similarities in their limbs. Both the horse and the bat look completely different, yet have similar structures that have evolved over time. b.  The bat and horse's homologous structure is compared through the batwing and the horse leg. The bat leg is thin and similar to a "hand like" structure. It has one long bone and then a few smaller bones. The function of the wing allows the bat to glide through the air and essentially travel. The Horse leg has a large femur or large bone that connects to the hip bone. Both the horse and bat have a long bone, a connector bone, and then a cluster of small bones. While they are the same structure, they both have different functions because the bat is made to fly while the horse is made to run or walk. c. A possible ancestor for these two animals is the Tiktaalik. This is because the Tiktaalik portrayed many similar traits in mammals t

Week1 Historical Influences

1. I believe that Alfred Russel Wallace had the greatest influence on Charles Darwin due to Wallace's theory of Natural selection. Wallace actually came up with the theory of natural selection. Darwin had many ideas that were contributed directly from Wallace in which he got to test while traveling around the world, especially to the Galapagos Island. 2. Alfred Russel Wallace contributed many theories including the study of species scattered around the world and how they were formed. He also, of course, contributed the ideas of natural selection which Charles Darwin later studied. 3. Wallace had the idea that "if the environment changes, the traits that are helpful or adaptive to that environment will be different." This is the idea or theory of natural selection that Wallace introduced in which animals can develop different traits depending on their environment. Darwin furthered with this theory in t